Wednesday, October 27, 2010

At Last!

Today was probably one of the most opposite kind of days you could have.  I woke up early.. not early enough.. to go to school.. had Ernie drive me to school because I was late.. So I didn't have my bike all day. Mistake numbero uno.  Biking is really the only convenient way to get around this city.  I had an early morning practice for the  acapella Super Mario group I am in for school.  Yes, I'll be singing the be be bep ba ba bep bop du va wuahh and whatcha callits in front of hundreds of people for the SkRiKa concert November 26.  (You're probably thinking, "Cool, but what the heck are you talking about?  Don't worry, I'll explain myself.)  After class, which ended at 9.45, I found out that I didn't have another class until 1.30.  Perfect day to leave my bike at home, right?  For about two and a half hours I read Jane Eyre, migrating from the cafeteria to the library and such.  I have to read the novel for my Swedish class, and I plan to give a presentation about it--- in Swedish!  Yes, I am learning the language.  haha Sometimes it's not terribly obvious, but I understand things and I'm getting enough help on it that I think I can pull of the presentation.  It would simply be a perk if the other kids could understand me..

After my Spanish class at 1.30, I walked to my cooking class at Virginska skolan, which was only about a 15 min. walk.  If I hadn't mentioned before, Spanish is no easy task.. I can hardly speak a sentence without throwing in a Swedish word.  My mind gets spastic juggling the now three languages.. Exciting.  Cooking is still probably one of my favorite classes. ever.  You'd have to meet my teacher, Tommy, to understand what I'm saying, but the class is hectic, stressful, hilarious, and so delicious.  I've never made such delicious food in my life.. or tasted as much flavor.  The best part is that I'm taking my new recipes home!  My specialty is this refreshing Tomato and Red Onion Sallad.  I've also got a couple desserts memorized, Apple Mush (my own name for it) and Chocolate Mousse- always a crowd pleaser :D haha.  Back to my day! So after class I raced back to school, on foot :[, to pick up...... !!!!! MY CELLO.  That's right folks.  After approximately 2 months and 13 days of waiting, I've got a cello, thank you very much/partially to my school.  I'll be honest, after half an hour of attempting to tune the thing, one huge crack down the front, and yearS old strings, it's not the prettiest thing you've ever heard.  It doesn't help that I haven't played in five months either..  A lesson I have officially realized though my cello extravaganzas (I say realized because I've already learned this lesson, just never took it seriously).. is that if you want something, you just have to do it yourself. You can't keep waiting on peoples' promises; you just have to march right down to the place and ask for the thing.  (I finally just went to the music school my teachers had been trying to contact forever just to get a lousy bow, and I got one as soon as I got there. hmph.)  SO. I finally have a cello and a bow, and I can start playing in the community orchestra Tuesday nights! hoorah. :]

Generally, school is great. I'm hanging out with my class mates more each week :D  And I'm actually staying busy with preparing presentations, working on Swedish, and reading "classics". After I finish Jane Eyre, I'm on to 1984, which is technically a modern classic, but my English teacher is a little off sometimes... most of the time.  I'm probably the only kid in the class that has a slight bit of respect for her :-/  NOW.. my explanation of SkRiKa, if you haven't forgotten already :P... I'm in my school's choir, (which I have officially found out that I am going to Liverpool with!! We had auditions a couple weeks ago!).. but then I'm in another choir that is just made up of the kids in my music class.  At the end of November, we perform a concert, teaming up with another gymnasium school, and the famous chamber orchestra of the city performs as well.  SkRiKa stands for "Skolans Risbeska and Karolinska".. kind of haha. I'm not sure how you spell Risbeska, but that is the other school we team up with for the concert (Karolinska is my school).  You could call the other school our "rival" school.  At the very end of the year, there is a competition called "Krampen" (translated: The Cramp).. which just is a bunch of physical challenges in different areas/sports.  That will be exciting. :]  Back to the music.. haha. So for SkRiKa, I'm singing in a bunch of songs as a big choir part, and then I'm one of the 13 or 14 people who perform Super Maria acapella! It's going to be great. Hopefully I can get a recording of it to share with you guys :]

I need to catch some sleep for now.  Maybe I'll get around to loading pictures this time! It'll also help me remember all the things I've done for the past month.. haha.

God natt ;]

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the update. Helmut thinks you and Brendon are having waaaay tooo much fun over there, but we are delighted you are. I was glad to see the picture with the cello to know you had finally gotten ahold of one. Keep the posts coming. I check for new ones so frequently, GOOGLE has your site on my favorites. Makes it easier to check!! Becky
