Monday, August 9, 2010

Alice in Wonderland.// 8-8-10

Hej :] If you haven't seen the new Alice in Wonderland, I highly suggest you do.  It felt easy, in an odd way, to relate to Alice and her [creative] adventure.  She needed to get away from her high society life, and I decided I needed a break from Kansas. A lot of people say the movie is trippy. I disagree.. I thought it more enthrallingly entertaining.. I'm inspired.

Yesterday I was so grateful to be able to go to my first Swedish pro fotboll game (aka soccer :]).  Gabe and his family invited me. The game was Örebro SK vs. Malmö FF, a huge game because Örebro is third in the country and Malmö is second.  Sadly, we lost three nil.  But it was an experience.  Apparently a record was broken as 10,875 people attended the game.  This guy was a statue outside the stadium; I thought it was picture worthy:
 Gabe, Hanna, and me at the game. haha :]

Today I went running on the much-spoken-of nature trails.  There is a 3km path and a 10km path I believe, and after missing the signs for the 3km path, I found myself running for an eternity on the 10km path.  I think I'll try to get better directions next time..  Tonight I had my first taste of the vegetarian dish Falafel.  It reminded me of an extremely distorted and odd tasting Chipotle burrito, but that could just be because of the foil.
We also made a rhubarb pie, with ingredients fresh from Ernie's garden.  (Ernie, or rather Arne, is my host mother's sambo. A sambo is most similar to 'significant other' in English- a significant other that you live with.) The pie was absolutely delectable, as is most all of the food I've had since I've been in Sweden.

(Mr. and Mrs. Rippel, I think you would have been proud of the pie :].. It made me think of you!)

I think that's all I've got for now.. God natt :]

1 comment:

  1. We are jealous that you can still make rhubarb pies in Sweden. Our rhubarb season is over!! Glad you are having such a great time.
    Hugs, Becky
